Case Studies

Singapore's FarEastFlora achieves profitable growth with ReapDigital

Recognizing the Internet’s Potential

Starting life as a small nursery in 1965, Far East Flora Holdings today is one of Southeast Asia’s leading florists. While the company has established a network of brick-and-mortar stores in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, it was quick to recognize the potential of the internet as a retail channel and launched (FEF) as early as 2000. Today, the e-commerce site, led by its Managing Director, Ryan Chioh, offers over 1,000 flower and gift options and delivers to more than 140 countries.

Profitable Growth Now

In recent years, to market its innovative products online, FEF has relied on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising through platforms like Google and Facebook. Though year-on-year traffic growth has been good, conversions and revenue have not met the company’s expectations. This recently became an especially serious issue because FEF was forced to raise its ad spends to counter increased competition as well as target broader audiences (who generally have a lower intent to buy) to grow its customer base. The company knew the situation was unsustainable and improvements had to be made.

What FEF urgently needed was to boost its return on ad spends so it could achieve profitable growth. MD Ryan firmly believed the key to this was data. Although he had access to a vast amount of data through their web analytics, the data was not analyzed to obtain its information.

Ryan came across ReapDigital in his search for a digital marketing agency to achieve the brand’s online goals and found that the agency had a proven track record of helping small and medium scale businesses to grow profitably.  

After collaborating with ReapDigital, the team primarily focused on analyzing FEF’s data to identify highly profitable audiences, understanding the customer journey and extracting other insights that aided in delivering a more efficient and effective campaign strategy for the brand.  

FEF’s Marketing Communications Manager, Chris Kok was impressed by ReapDigital’s insights and expertise, and immediately collaborated with ReapDigital to implement the strategy which consisted of ad campaigns with better audience targeting focusing on the products that were most likely to sell in the coming weeks. The team also continues to iterate and refine their funnel strategies to adapt to changing customer behaviors and market dynamics.

In just 3 weeks of working with ReapDigital, FEF improved its online marketing considerably. Return on ad spend (RoAS) was increased by 21.75%, while average order value (AOV) shot up by 20.33%.

Future Success

When it comes to flowers and gifts, trends and tastes are constantly changing. To help FEF keep on top of what’s new, ReapDigital constantly tracks user behaviour, so the company has the insights it needs to keep innovating and keep marketing the right products to the right people. ReapDigital’s efforts to perpetually identify new opportunities from the top to the bottom of the customer funnel will ensure FEF continues to accelerate its growth profitably well into the future.


In just 3 weeks of working with ReapDigital, FEF improved its online marketing considerably.

Return on Ad Spend (RoAS) was increased by 21.75%, while Average Order Value (AOV) shot up by 20.33%.

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